Miracle of new life!
A baby or money back!

Patienters Berättelser

Utvalda historier

Nearly fifty years of age, 12 years desert walking without success, I really was one of the patients clinics don’t want... Olga and Elena took me on...

Nearly fifty years of age, 12 years desert walking without success, I really was one of the patients clinics don’t want... Olga and Elena took me on...

Story of our dear patient Kerry

I now have my beautiful and healthy baby girl, Freya, thanks to you all. I want to thank you all for making my dream come true. I cannot find the words to express my joy with being a mother to this little angel.


Story of Lina: baby born on the very first attempt with own eggs at our clinic after 3 unsuccessful IVFs in Denmark and 2 unsuccessful egg donations in Spain!

Story of our dear patient Lina: baby born on the very first attempt with own eggs at O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic after 3 unsuccessful IVFs in Denmark and 2 unsuccessful egg donations in Spain!

Story of Linda — It took me 10 years of IVF and infertility to give up the idea of my genes and my eggs. After ten years, we made an egg donation

Story of Linda — It took me 10 years of IVF and infertility to give up the idea of my genes and my eggs. After ten years, we made an egg donation

Story of Nicole

Frieda is such a cheerful baby. She wakes up and develops every day and the sense of my life is to see her growing, to support her and to love her unconditionally.


Story if Cilla 7

On January 23, 2018, Cilla made her insertion of the embryo that became her daughter Liv. An embryo with an egg from a Russian donor and a sperm from a Danish donor.

Alla framgångshistorier

Efter en 20 års lång fertilitetsresa är jag äntligen mamma åt två barn, detta genom äggdonation!

Efter en 20 års lång fertilitetsresa är jag äntligen mamma åt två barn, detta genom äggdonation!

Jag är oerhört tacksam för att jag äntligen lyckades nå mitt livslånga mål; att ha min egen familj, mina egna barn. Min resa började för många år sedan, när jag diagnostiserades med blockerade äggledare. Detta tvingade mig att göra IVF, om jag någonsin ville se ett positivt graviditetstest. Efter ett
Monikas berättelse

Monikas berättelse

Det var en fin morgon, vägen till kliniken var enkel och kort, och jag blev glad över att få reda på att du varit så smart att du placerat oss 6 damer som var i samma situation med embryoöverföring i väntrummet tillsammans...
Ulriks och Lisas historia

Ulriks och Lisas historia

Ni kan vara lugna, dom människorna som jobbar där vet vad dom gör. Hoppas att alla som funderar på det åker, det är värt det!

For the first time I met someone who knew what they were talking about

For the first time I met someone who knew what they were talking about, who could give me relevant information and who was there to help me Frida, Member of Femmis

It was really informative and interesting

I just would like to thank for the seminar I attended two weeks ago in Stockholm. It was really informative and interesting. I would also like to thank you for taking the time to Skype with me and my partner. I have as you suggested had a Skype with Tone

If you get the chance to attend one of the clinic’s seminars they offer, please do it!

If you get the chance to attend one of the Clinic's seminars they offer, please do it! Not only will your questions get answered, you get to mingle with other people with the same dreams and desire you have and you will get treated and greeted with so much love

It was a very good and educational seminar

I want to thank you for the nice seminar in Oslo 11th of June. I went to Oslo because I really wanted to listen to you and to hear what you could tell about egg donation. It was a very good and educational seminar. And thank you for the warm

Thank you for a fantastic event and evening in Stockholm!

Thank you for a fantastic event and evening in Stockholm! The place at Strandvägen 7 is perfect and so beautiful! Thank you for all guiding, help and your warm heart. Lots of love, A.

Thank you for coming to Stockholm

Thank you for coming to Stockholm and to shear the fantastic story about what you have acomplished and what treatment clinic is offering to the patients. The book we got is very interesting. I can't stop reading it. It was also nice to see your "old patients" coming with their



Success Story of Karin and Pedro
...If I would have known at the start, what I know now, I would not have done my IVF-attempts at my age as egg donation gave us result straight away. It was the best decision of our lives!" Karin and Pedro, Sweden We were trying for around 4 years with
Embryo Adoption Story of Birgita
…I am a single woman and when one is lonely, one is very sensitive… You saw me as a person and I felt that you can help me…”Birgita
Hillevi's success story

…Well the Millennium shift came, the year 2000, we all remember what we did then, right? I got cancer, Hodgkin's lymphoma... And when I stand here now 17 years later, you understand that it went well! Except for one important thing…"

Success Story of Elisabet and Pär
After 3 IVF in Sweden, 3 miscarriages, Elisabet and Pär became parents of lovely Ester through egg donation in St. Petersburg
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